Special Nest Module
Nest Module
A simple nest module made out of a plastic box, plaster and fiber glass. It has it's own integrated heating system.
A red plastic foil makes the inside dark for the ants eyes.
the finished nest module covered in red
Fiber Glass Wick
First you need a fiber glass wick. I got it from here
It is not expensive but most effective.
It will carry water into the plaster.
fiber glass wick - glasfaserdochtwick in box

Mixing plaster

I mix the plaster in a bottle to avoid a mess.
I have to put much more plaster then water into the bottle.
Then I pour some of the plaster into the box.
plaster and water watermessy plaster and water water
See a QuickTime Movie of how I mix the plaster and then cast it into the box:
mix the plaster - gips mischen: gips.mov
casting plaster - gips giessen: giessen_pour.mov


The cover must close tight. A tube goes trough the cover. It will be one way for Lasius Niger to enter the chill out area :)
Drilling Holes
Drilling holes into plastic needs much caution.
Do not inhale the arising vapors!
I use a matal drillbit. To make larger holes I start with small drillbits, otherwise the plastic will shiver.

The holes will serve as entrances and as air supply which is very important. You have to pay attention that no CO2 ansammelt. can accumulate.
drilling holes into plastic - loecher in plastik bohrensome holes are made
Heating System
The heating system is integrated directly in the box.
A lamp Is placed in a plastic enevlope which reaches inside. This way the lamp can be changed without opening the nest.
It is an orinary tiny 12V lamp for cars. But the AC/DC adaptor powers the lamp only with 4.5V because otherwise it gets too hot. The lamp is covered in red plastic foil.
The temperature inside should not exceed 34°C.

hole for heating system - loch fuer lampemake a heating system with a 12v lamp - heizsystem mit 12v lampe.

marking ants, ameisen markieren

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